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Cewek Imut ini Ternyata Berumur 29 Tahun

Unik Sembarangan

Langsung aja gan..

Gimana percaya ga?

Ane juga gak percaya gan..
Kalau ternyata sesuatu yang ajaib ada di dunia ini..

Pretty Chinese manga comic artist, April Xia Da (夏達), is a very famous comic celebrity from China. She is one of the rare breed talented manga comics artist who also made it to the covers of magazines due to her comic-like cute looks. In her free time, April Xia Da loves to read comics and surprisingly, play computer games.

Biodatanya :

Name: Xia Da 夏達
Nickname: April
Date of birth: April 4, 1981
Place of birth: Hunan Huaihua, China
Living in: Hangzhou
Horoscope: Aries
Professional: Cartoonist

Neh cewe gamers juga.. Sama kayak ane..
Duh pengen deh jadi cowonya.. Biar umurnya udah segitu..

Neh kalau masih kurang picnya :

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