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Inilah yang Pertama di Dunia, Restoran di Bawah Laut Merah


We have already seen many of different aquariums from all over the world, but, we had never chance to write about undersea restaurant. Here is one undersea restaurant which is claimed to be the world’s first ever built underwater restaurant. It is built in Eliat, Israel, under the Red Sea. It was built about ten years ago and is proudly owner of the title of the world’s first underwater restaurant.
The Red Sea Star restaurant is located about 6 meters under the sea. There is a plenty of large windows there so visitors can enjoy in amazing view on sea vegetation and animals while having their lunch. Designers also had a much of style while choosing proper colors of interior of the building and the furniture.
I am pretty sure that this world’s first underwater restaurant also has pretty expensive menu but, if you really want to enjoy in a beautiful view on underwater life, then, it is probably worth of every penny.

Kami telah melihat banyak akuarium yang berbeda dari seluruh dunia, tetapi, kami belum pernah kesempatan untuk menulis restoran sekitar bawah laut. Berikut adalah salah satu restoran bawah laut yang diklaim menjadi yang pertama yang pernah dibangun restoran bawah laut di dunia. Hal ini dibangun di Eliat, Israel, di bawah Laut Merah. Itu dibangun sekitar sepuluh tahun yang lalu dan bangga pemilik judul restoran bawah air pertama di dunia.
Bintang Laut Merah restoran terletak sekitar 6 meter di bawah laut. Ada banyak jendela besar di sana sehingga pengunjung dapat menikmati pemandangan laut yang luar biasa pada vegetasi dan hewan, sementara makan siang mereka. Desainer juga memiliki banyak gaya saat memilih warna yang tepat dari interior bangunan dan mebel.
I am pretty sure that this world’s first underwater restaurant also has pretty expensive menu but, if you really want to enjoy in a beautiful view on underwater life, then, it is probably worth of every penny.


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